القائمة الرئيسية



George Floyd: charged with murder for the policeman who died

An American policeman was arrested and charged with murder following the death of George Floyd, the black man who died during his arrest.

George Floyd

George Floyd

The defendant policeman, Derek Chauffin, is one of four policemen fired after Floyd died Monday, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The other three officers are Tu Thao, Thomas Lin and J. Alexander Koenig.

Chauvin's claim comes after days of angry protests following the spread of a video showing the policeman, kneeling over Floyd, 46, trying to install him, while Floyd was repeating, "I can't breathe, please don't kill me."

George Floyd

The video fueled the resulting outrage over the harsh methods used by the US police to arrest black citizens and repeat their deaths in similar incidents.
Mike Freeman, Attorney General of Hennepin County in Minnesota, said that investigations are continuing with other elements who were present when the accident occurred.
The Floyd family had demanded that the four policemen be tried for murder, especially since Floyd was defenseless upon his arrest. George's brother, Filloniz Floyd, spoke to CNN, telling him, "The police executed my brother in broad daylight," adding that he was tired of "seeing black men die."
Fires and confrontations with the police in American cities
Earlier, protesters set fire to a police station in Minneapolis, in the third night of protests over Floyd's death.
Other demonstrations included other American cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix, Memphis and Columbus. The doors of the state headquarters in Denver were closed after gunfire was heard, while protesters reportedly destroyed the windows of the state headquarters in Columbus, before police dispersed them.
Seven people were wounded in Louisville, in protest against the killing of Bruna Taylor, who was killed last March in the city, after police mistakenly raided her apartment.
During the protests, the Minnesota state police arrested a CNN correspondent, Omar Jimenez, along with his accompanying filming team, during the live broadcast, on Friday morning, apparently because they did not move from their place, when they were ordered to do so. The television team was released an hour after his arrest, after the state governor apologized for the incident.

