القائمة الرئيسية



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


Who is Muhammad ﷺ?

Who is Muhammad ﷺ

Is it not the enlightening lamp, the harbinger, the messenger of God, and the Prophet of Islam, who filled the land with justice and light, good and grave, the best of wilderness, the teacher of humanity, the savior of mankind, and destroyed the entity of paganism? God chose him to be the elite of creation, and the imam of the messenger.
That illiterate Prophet ﷺ who reached the message, performed honesty, advised the ummah, revealed the sorrow, and strived in God for the truth of his struggle until the certainty came to him.He brought people from darkness to light, from polytheism to monotheism, from humiliation, injustice, ignorance, diaspora and humiliation, to splendor, justice, knowledge, meeting and dignity?


Who is Muhammad ﷺ

Who are we without the religion of Muhammad ﷺ and his religion? What is our value if not for his message and his law? What is our fate if not for his call and belief?How were the people of the earth before its mission? Did God not have looked upon them and abhor their Arabs and their unanimity, except remains [1]?Were they not in ignorance of ignorant people, blind blindness, backwardness, repulsion, brutality and brutality?As soon as the message dawned, and the sun of prophecy shone at the hands of the breeder of generations and the leader of heroes, the course of history changed!

Peace be upon him
He made the stray infidel and rival nations = one nation that owes the best religion, and bears the highest vigor, reaching the summit.
He converted them from shepherds to the leaders of the nations, and from worshipers of idols to monks at night, and by day, horsemen.
Who is Muhammad ﷺ

So God brought them from whom he wanted from the servants from the worship of the servants, to the worship of the Lord of the servants, and from the narrowness of the world to the breadth of the Hereafter, and from the injustice of religions to the justice of Islam, so it was the best nation to be brought out to people.
God boasts of their angels, honors them by entering his paradise that he planted with his hand, and honors them by looking at his noble face, and calls them with a voice that they hear: (My pleasure be upon you, so I will never be angry) [2]
May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and every child who is a parent, father, and child, and our parents, ransoms him and ransoms him from vein to vein.

Your brother Jesus called a dead man, and he rose to him *** and you revived generations of rubble
What can we talk about and talk about, and it has met in it the distinction of the noble morals, its countless virtues, and I do not trespass its advantages, which is the best of God’s creation of a human being, there is no attribute of perfection that is not characterized by it, nor is it ugly except to be absolved of it.

