القائمة الرئيسية



What are the five pillars          of Islam? 

The Islamic religion, 
Islam is a great heavenly approach, it came to bring people out of the darkness of disbelief, polytheism and ignorance into the light of peace, faith and knowledge, and this approach that came to achieve these lofty goals must be based on foundations and pillars that are based on and carried out to achieve the goals they seek to unify God Almighty and achieve slavery To God Almighty, and thus to achieve disagreement on earth, the Holy Messenger - may prayers and peace be upon him - has shown to all humankind this approach, its nature and its goals, so that they may be righteous upon it, and that their methods and way of life are built according to the nature of this approach and its goals, provisions and rules
Like all curricula and all the ways of life and systems in this world, Islam has found rules, principles and foundations that must be adhered to in order for a person to truly be a servant of God, and these principles are the pillars of Islam, so every Muslim must abide by these pillars in order for his Islam to be upright because Failure to adhere to one of these pillars is considered a great danger to religion, belief and the validity of Islam; here comes the importance and status of the five pillars of Islam, and the fact that they are completely faith, and in their deficiency are a demolition of the rules of the Islamic religion, so the pillar is the foundation, and the foundation must be strong, otherwise the entire structure would have fallen
Corner Fact
A corner is a language: a corner to the thing, a corner, a corner, a corner and a corner in it, and a corner for any money to live in, and a corner for a corner if he leaned into something His strongest side, and the corner: the strong side, and the king, soldiers, etc 
As for the pillars of Islam, they are the main rules and foundations upon which Islam is based, and it cannot be straight without it or the loss of one of them
the five pillars of Islam
Islam has five pillars that are truly pillars, foundations and rules on which the right Islamic method is based. Al-Mustafa - peace and blessings be upon him - mentioned it in the noble prophetic hadith narrated by the great companion Abdullah bin Omar - may God be pleased with them - where he said: I heard the Messenger of God say: (Islam was built On five: the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establish prayer, pay zakat, pilgrimage, and fast Ramadan (3) and the five pillars in detail are as follows
The two certificates
And the meaning of the two testimonies (that the Muslim testify about my testimony of Islam saying: (I bear witness that there is no god but God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God)). The Mighty, Wise, (4) and the words of God Almighty: (Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those who are with him are tough against the disbelievers.The Almighty said: “Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those who are with him are strong against the disbelievers, they are merciful among them.” Indeed, he is one of his deity, deity, names, and attributes. The Almighty said: (And when Abraham said to his father and his people, I am innocent of what you worship, that only God is alive.) Abdullah, His Messenger, and the Seal of Prophets and Messengers
Establishing the prayer
Prayers are the pillar of Islamic religion, and the first thing that a Muslim slave is held accountable on the Day of Resurrection is prayer. Five prayers are obligatory in the day and night, and a Muslim must perform the five obligatory prayers according to their time, form, and manner, and be purified.The assumption is the Fajr prayer, the noon prayer, the afternoon prayer, the Maghrib prayer, and the evening prayer, and the establishment of prayer is a redundant or obligatory truth and the validity of the approach to God Almighty and alone has no partner in all matters, with the sincerity of trust in him, and the sincere resort to it
And the accuracy of the expression denoting the establishment of prayer is to establish it in the best possible way and bring it as it is, and this is what is required of every Muslim to achieve in the prayer, which is the daily link between the servant and his creator. Prayer has a wondrous effect if a Muslim establishes her right and adheres to the morals that advocate for her, and the virtues that guide her, so every Muslim abides by those morals after his commitment to perform
Prayer is a Muslim resident of prayer, and a large difference between a resident of the corner and Performer him. [8] The Almighty said: (Recite what is revealed to you from the book prayer and keep up the prayer forbids indecency and evil and said God is great and God knows what you do.). [9]
Paying the zakat
Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is a right that is obligatory in the money in special cases at a specific time, and zakat is the amount that must be paid from the money of Muslims to those who deserve it, and that is in the money that reached the legal quorum of a limited amount in Islamic law with a precise system and with certain conditions, and it is released to On the amount that is extracted from the total amount of money recommended, then that amount extracted from the money is called Zakat.
God Almighty has mandated zakat on funds that have the ability to grow and increase, so he required zakat in the funds that can be grown, which are cattle, gold and silver, which are known as cash, as well as from the money that grows, and he required zakat, such as crops and fruits, and offers of trade
The banks of Zakat are eight banks; it was between them and the Almighty God text in the Koran saying: (but alms to the poor and the needy and the workers on whose hearts and in the necks and Debtors in the way of Allah and the wayfarer ordained by Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise), [11] Therefore The zakat banks that God required to spend on them are these eight banks. Whoever pays zakat in other than these banks does not pay the required cornerstone, and does not drop it Zakat is obligatory, because he did not do it with the legal method specified in this corner, and his liability remains occupied with this money that God has imposed on him for the true imposition of the eight types of Zakat, and the Muslim must pay the amount of zakat due upon him as soon as it is required, provided that it has reached the legal quorum also determined by Islamic law. Through the zakat system, and it is also required that the stipulation be transferred to the money, so any Muslim who has paid his money for a full year with the remaining conditions of zakat has to be obligated to pay zakat on the assumption, taking into account that zakat is a similar act of worship The rest of the acts of worship, it is permissible to delay the payment of zakat to those who are entitled to it in the presence of special or even general conditions that prevent the payment of zakat.
Fasting is defined as abstaining from all things that break the fast, from true dawn to sunset, with the intent to draw closer to God and obey him, and to abide by the command of the Almighty. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it has special provisions and a legitimate way, and it must be adhered to as it came without increasing or decreasing, and the servant is not a realizer of the truth of fasting unless he left and took possession of all the sensual and moral breakdowns, so the mushrooms are the eating and drinking, and the moral things that break the fast are the actions And things that detract from the reward of the fasting person from sins, so that he will be kept away from committing sins, sins and wrongdoings, so that he avoids disputes and dispossession.
Among the five pillars of Islam is also the pilgrimage that God Almighty has imposed on Muslims once in a person’s life, on the condition of a healthy and financial ability, and that the path to the pilgrimage be safe so that if he leaves his country and travels to the pilgrimage, he secures the path and his evils are mostly, if he does not secure the way and surmise Destruction if he leaves his country, and the power is negated by the lack of security on the road, because of the Almighty saying: (By God for the people the pilgrimage of the house from whom he was able to find a way and whoever disbelieves, for God is the singer of God.)God Almighty ad hoc basis, at the time of an ad hoc, corners and ribbons and branches specific)

